Statement from SEIU Local 1 President Genie Kastrup on Supreme Court ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v. UNC/Harvard

Earlier today, June 29, 2023, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the affirmative action admission policies of Harvard and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional. The ruling reverses decade-old efforts that encouraged enrollment of minorities at American universities. SEIU Local 1 President Genie Kastrup releases the following statement:

“The highest court in the land – one that is supposed to promote justice and equality for all – just ended one of the most effective social justice policies this country has seen. Simply put: SCOTUS’s decision only benefits the wealthy, the well-connected, and frankly, white folks – all at the expense of people of color. 

Affirmative action benefits everyone. It levels the playing field for marginalized groups and ensures every student is exposed to multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environments that reflect the real world we live in. It’s hard enough for working families to pursue college and until we can guarantee that every young person regardless of their skin color, zip code, or income can access high-quality education, affirmative action must remain.

Local 1 remains committed to empowering communities of color and will work to dismantle institutions that perpetuate racism – from the workplace to the education system. We need to urgently meet this moment and demand better for our young people – the future depends on it.”



SEIU Local 1 Event Services Members at Kauffman Stadium Win Strong New Contract


Congratulations to this year’s SEIU Local 1 Scholarship Fund recipients!